Categories are a wonderful tool to use when trying to tag content. Did you know that categories are not only available for Profile, but also available with Articles, Facility Hours, and Spotlights? They all operate the same basic way as well.
Categories are part of Taxonomy in Drupal, however you don't need to know much about how this system works as we have added the ability to add your new categories directly to the content types. Categories are located under the Taxonomy section and is closed by default to reduce screen clutter. To use this, click on the dropdown for Taxonomy and you'll see a field called Categories which will allow you to type into it. As you type Drupal will search for any existing Categories which closely match what you are typing. If you see one that you wish to use, simply stop typing and click on it from the options. If a category you wish to use does not exist yet finish typing what you'd like to use, double checking spelling or capitalization and hit save. The category will be created automatically and added to those available in the future.
To add more than one Category, click on Add another item. Or to remove a category no longer needed, simply remove the Category in the field and it will no longer be attached to the content. However it will remain an option unless removed completely.
To manage your existing Categories or create new Categories without creating new content, you can navigate to Structure » Taxonomy » Categories in the admin toolbar. Here you can see a list of all existing categories and have the ability to delete them or edit them. This is helpful when spelling mistakes occur. Reminder though, once a category is deleted it will be removed from all content it was connected to so be careful.